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Dante's Inferno

I just took a look at the videos for the upcoming game Dante's Inferno from EA. Man it looks interesting. I loved reading the book back in high school. I am hoping that they remain close to the source material. The idea of playing through the story, or a game closely related to it sounds tantalizing.

It is my hope that it isn't just a hack & slash, but rather there is a RPG aspect to it, or a good story driving it. The book deserves more than a rehash of God of War where you just run around killing anything that comes in your way. I'd rather do some quests or something along the way. Not that you can't still have action too, I'd just rather have both. My only other caveat is that it is currently only coming to the current gen consoles, of which I have none. I guess if I was desperate enough I could play it on my brother's PS3, but I might, just might, be tempted enough to buy a XBOX 360 for this game (and a few others I'd like to play like Fable 2). It is still a long ways off from release, but I am eager to see more about it. Maybe EA might even be convinced to bring this game to the PC as well.