I am a little bit of an older gamer, able to remember the hype around Mario 3 and when the kid with the Powerpad in the neighborhood had all the kids over at his house. I like a variety of games, but these days I usually only have time and patience for games I can pick up and drop quickly. I like RPG storylines, but usually don't have the patience to figure out what to do and drop them quickly:P
Anyway, these days I spend most of my gaming time on the PC. I am currently wading through Supreme Commander, which I like quite a bit. The ability to give your units advanced orders is really cool. I also like the look of the units as well, especially the really large ones. The movement through technology and the so called super-weapons are well done too. My biggest complaint stems from the fact that the units amongst the 3 factions are almost identical. Each has their light and heavy fighters and bombers, tanks, etc. The only thing that really varies is their look. I would have preferred that each faction had unique units and strategy like in Starcraft or the C&C series. All in all though, it is pretty fun :)