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2007 in Review

So another year is down, and what to make of it all? I think 2007 was one of the better years in a while, better than 2005 and 2006 in terms of PC game releases. The big thing though was the sheer number of PC games released from October to December this year, I think there was too many, UT3 sales may be some proof of that.

I know I missed out on World in Conflict, UT3 and SC:Forged Alliance because I had too many other games to play. I will probably pick those up when I have time to play next year, although 2008 looks pretty solid too.

This year I bought 22 games, 12 were released in 2007 and 11 were from digital downloads (mainly steam), they were:

Supreme Commander, BF2142: Northern Strike, STALKER, Oblivion,C&C 3, SC:Chaos Theory, Garry's Mod, Commandos 2, Hitman 2, Quake, Painkiller Gold, Bioshock, Team Fortress 2, HL2: Episode 2, Portal, Call of Duty 4, Crysis CE, Gears of War, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Hitman Blood Money, The Witcher LE and Flatout 2. I also got Uplink and Defcon from The PC Gamer via a steam gift thanks dawg.

Here are some of those games in amazing real life format.

The Witcher seems to me by far the most underrated of these games, although I'm only half way through. Crysis as best shooter was well deserved in my opinion and is probably my game of the year.

28 PC games feature in the top 100 rated games for 2007 on gamerankings, 360 was the only other platform with more at 29 (PS3 a distant 3rd with 15). In contrast, in 2006 only 20 PC games made it in the top 100, even less in 04 and 05. This could change slightly as more reviews come in.

Finally a quick look at 08 games I await:

Left 4 Dead
Far Cry 2
STALKER: Clear Sky
Alan Wake
Starcraft 2

I hope everybody had a great christmas and/or had a great 2007. I thank everybody who has taken the time to visit/post on my blog, look at my videos or read my reviews this year, bring on 2008 :D

Review: Hitman: Blood Money

Video: Witcher Basic Combat