Been playing a fair bit of Black Ops online for PC, which has been a lot of fun. Right now there are only a few minor issues for me in regards to the multiplayer (like final killcam stuttering) but its still better than the MW2 system. I think I've only lost connection to a server once so far. Currently level 47 and will likely go into prestige because it is so quick to level up.
Played some wager matches including one in chamber, sharpshooter, sticks and stones. They are all fairly good fun, lot more at stake during the rounds. MP wise I'm sticking with CTF / Domination / Demolition most of the time due to the speed and structure. Most of the maps I think are great. apart frome Nuketown which is just ridiculous with 9 v 9. Needs to be more like 4 v 4.
The game feels a lot like MW2, they tweaked some of the perks and killstreaks but the speed and even most of the weapons feel like they would be right at home in MW2. Single player was good, some poor missions but a solid story and great musical score. If you want to read more check out my review.
I signed up for PSN+ which hasn't been the best decision due to the lack of content, but there are some discounts. Hopefully over time it becomes more worthwhile. Anyway yesterday I noticed that I can play Killzone 3, the multiplayer beta was ready for download so I decided to check it out.
KZ3 definitely looks nice, although improvements over KZ2 aren't huge. The biggest visual change is probably better LOD system, so moving away from objects doesn't seem to make them drop it quality rapidly.As for online well its slow paced but includes a level up system that makes it hard for lower levels. Netcode was good even though I'm pretty sure I wasn't playing with people in my country.
The ranking system also seems really slow played a few hours and I'm still on rank 1. The other thing is that I can't aim very well with the PS3 controller, I haven't really used it for a shooter in a long time so quite frankly I suck at it. Kinda frustrating when they build an objective below a few platforms for campers to get easy kills.
Screenshots (1280 x 720 captures). And yes they have a pretty aggressive film grain filter applied.
Worked my way through a Medal of Honor review, in summary the single player isn't bad but suffers presentation issues like NPCs running through trucks. The multiplayer is weak and suffers from a vast number of balance problems that make it uncomfortable to play. Here's a gif of my buddy running through a vehicle, remember kids quantum tunnelling allows for this! Keep in mind he did this about 5 times.
Almost december, and you know what that means right? Correct, no more big PC game releases until next year. Oh well still GT5 I might pick up on PS3 to keep me busy driving each of the 1000+ cars and smashing them into barriers for fun :P