Two more games!
Far Cry 2 Collectors Edition and Dead Space! :D
I'll be getting an Art Book with dead space included with the game, but not available due to order problems, probably really should be called a Gore book anyway. That FC2 CE is wood, and the flap opens up. T-Shirt at the back which fits along with map, poster, art book etc.
Far Cry 2 seems pretty fun so far, open gameplay, decent combat and pretty good looking graphics, no load times is a bonus really. I'm a bit perplexed as to why they have save boxes around the place when you can save anytime you want, probably because the save anywhere was a last minute feature added after some QA with PC gamers.
Dead Space was an outsider, wasn't planning to get it, but days before release I ordered it. The sci-fi monsters got the best of me. And really I have to say I probably enjoy it more than Far Cry 2. It's hard to break it down, because the game takes so much from other games and includes some tweaks on things. Think Doom 3 mixed with The Thing, add Bioshock elements and a touch of Gears of War and you are on the way.
Many people have trouble with the controls, but with vsync off they are fine for me. The presentation, audio logs, music, atmosphere, scares and design of the ship are first rate EA did a great job on this game, and I'm sure the same is true for the ps3 and 360 versions. It uses the UE3 engine and it uses it incredibly well, I thought only Epic could use this engine properly. I'm not sure how long it is, but so far it's one hell of a ride.
Next week looks like I might have to pick up two more games:
Curse publishers and their Q4 madness!! (not sparta either) :D
Edit: Scratch that, RA 3 comes November 6th here :(