Level 40!
Only took me 4 years and 11 months to get here :P Although I've only really been active for half that time, but I've certainly done my fair share of spamming the forums, almost 10k posts!
E3 2009
For me unfortunately not a whole lot of surprises / new announcements as I'm a PC guy and it was really all console stuff. I did like the look of Assassin's Creed 2, Alan Wake and Mass Effect 2. Titles I'll be picking up near release I should imagine. We did get confirmation of BF3 after E3, disappointing that BF3 didn't come into the show but perhaps they are saving it for another event.
Although I've got a hell of a lot of L4D hours the L4D2 announcement shocked and saddened me. Reason being that I bought the game at full price at launch and felt it was pretty low on content and I expected more campaigns to be added over time. Even the SDK and the 2 extra versus maps were released much later than they should have been. Not to get any of this stuff from Valve is a real shame and quite out of character compared to CS:S and TF2. Obviously I'm not questioning value given my gametime, merely stating I feel that L4D is very light on content and poorly supported by a team who does exceptional post release support in general.
Current Gaming
You know it, Guild Wars still my number one game. I won't bore you with the details but I'll just say I still really enjoy this game, so much to do, so little time to do it, I'm somehow fitting in 20+ hours of it a week
Picked up Prototype on the weekend, have played a few hours and so far it's not too bad at all. Carnage and action is quite nice, and I'll often just go off and cause some mayhem instead of heading straight for the story like I do for most games. I actually look forward to when they send a strike team in (choppers etc) because I can pick up a car and run up a building then jump off and throw that car at the chopper :D The short movie flashback segments you unlock remind me heavily of the Dead Space prequel cartoon movies. No worries about performance or controls yet either.
Red Alert 3 I've had for a while, but never played much. I've done a few missions for the soviets and honestly they aren't bad. I dislike the co-commander system, I dislike having my base already set up and I'm not liking the ore gathering. I do however like the electric boat, the submarines and the cheesy cutscenes. So overall it's ok.
Max Payne 3 in Sao Paulo huh? Well that I don't mind, in fact I think the euphoria engine could really put the icing onto bullet time. However NOT using James Mcaffrey as Max's voice bothers me, I don't think there is any reason to not use him. Sure Max is older and apparently a different man, but James can surely act the part. Max Payne 2 didn't drastically change the formula or location and it turned out to be a fantastic game.
Outlander is a movie I saw recently, never heard of it before maybe you guys have. It's basically a straight to dvd release I think (?). It's pretty much vikings and aliens. Now while you may think it's a disaster waiting to happen I was pleasantly surprised with the level of awesome. It's got swords, gore, Ron Perlman and aliens. It's well worth checking out for sci-fi / action / vikings fans.
Also this year has flown by, seems like only yesterday I was having summer (christmas) holidays and now it's mid June. Time flies when you're having fun I guess. :)