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long time no blog (l4d, zeno, dark)

Well it's been about four weeks since my last blog, and one has to question whether it's really a blog if I'm updating so infrequently. Although I do tend to only do a blog if I have a several things that people may be interested in reading, rather than 1 or none (heh). Therefore this blog might be a bit long.

The L4D survival pack was released, it means 2 more versus campaigns but I haven't really played them because I've been doing survival mode. I quite like surival mode because it requires careful management of ammo, molotovs and focusing your attacks on the tank. Not to mention in some you often need to cycle around to get all the stockpile of items. It's fun to try for bronze, silver and gold, or even beat your best times.

If you don't know, basically it's a crescendo moment only it doesn't stop and they launch tank after tank, smoker after smoker. It's common to have like 4 smokers and at certain points you get multiple tanks. There are good spots on the maps too. games are quick, lasting 4-10 minutes, although our lucky team managed 15:17 on the terminal map, damn that was tough. You are meant to die, but it's still enjoyable for that reason perhaps. Even if it doesn't last me I can fall back to the other two versus maps.

I preordered Zeno Clash when it was cheap on Steam, I finished it yesterday, only about 3.5 hours long. It's an indie title but I didn't think much of it, the combat is ok but at times frustrating, the story is mixed and often silly for no real reason. The artistic s.t.y.le is quite interesting but not enough for me, I wouldn't rush out to buy it at $20 though.

I also recieved a gift from The_PC_Gamer, that being Dark Sector (thanks gama), it's not for sale here in Australia. The game starts off very poorly, and has some fairly ordinary AI. it's the type of game that would not be sevrved by a demo because people would just see the faults. It feels like Gears of War mixed with Lost Planet, but it has this glaive weapon that basically makes the game fun. You throw it and it comes back to you, but you can charge it with elemental damage like fire and ice. You can control it mid flight and you also have things like a shield and normal weapons. The game however gets quite a bit better towards the end, it actually ended up being alright. Just needed more polish.

I'm also playing through Flatout Ulimate Carnage, It's pretty much Flatout 2 with better graphics and carnage mode. But I think the driving is quite a bit better firstly the auto catch up gives you a fighting chance, but more importantly the little physics items on the track very rarely send you drastically off course like they used to do for me in Flatout 2. I actually got a 360 controller recently too since my other one broke and it works quite well with this game (and a few others)

I changed my banner image temporarily to Call of Juarez Bound in Blood, coming fairly soon and looks pretty sweet, Ray has one of the best video game voices in any game. The original was fairly underrated, aside from the sometimes annoying stealth or rabbit hunting segments.

Guild Wars hit steam, that and The_PC_Gamer telling me off is getting to me. I played prophecies well over 300 hours, in the campaign, co-op was excellent but I sadly got midly addicted to the thing:shock: and went cold turkey when factions came. I figure now I have work to keep me occupied it might be time to go back into Guild Wars with Factions, Nightfall and Gwen of the North and see if it's still as fun as it was plus GW 2 is coming. Also at $50 for the trilogy it's not a bad price, the games were retailing here at like $90 AUD each...

I posted my Cryostasis Review up on Gamespot (thanks to all those who recommended it)if you prefer to read it there instead of NGN you are most welcome. Gamespot reviewed it and gave it a pleasantly high score of 8.0, was a pretty good review. Opposingly IGN reviewed it quite poorly and gave it 6.0. It's the first review in a while that I've felt has done the game justice on gamespot, maybe it marks a turnaround for them.

Anyway thats it, sorry for the longish blog but feel free to only read the interesitng bits if you can find them ;)