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Max Payne Movie

I just saw the Max Payne movie, overall I say it was a decent adaption. Firstly don't expect the exact same events to occur. Main characters are there and most of them are based strongly on the game. Locals in the game are also present if some sadly briefly :(. There are a few bullet time segments, one in particular I thought was awesome and they didn't overdo it. Actually I thought it was light on the action, could have done more, probably a lot more and I would have been liking it.

The movie doesn't follow the story from the game precisely (I just played it - it's still awesome btw) so don't expect it too. Also if you go see it at the cinemas, stay after the credits, tiny scene at the end (not crucial but if you enjoyed it stay).

Anyway, I'd like to see a sequel hopefully with Vlad and Gognitti and more mafia present. Gamers cut I heard about, hopefully it would feature more action. I give Max Payne movie 7.5/10

btw mona is hot.


Stalker Clear Sky Review

Finished clear sky a few weeks back, did a review which I changed and reworked a few times, it's a hard game to review, in the end I think it just missed the mark (the ending kinda made up my mind for me). Thanks to the 7 guys who recommended it, your payment is on the way!

Next week shalt be also knowneth as Far Cry 2 week, as I shall be recieving my copy. Dead space doesn't look too bad, either does Red Alert 3, Fallout 3, GTA 4, NFS: U, Tomb Raider Underworld, Left 4 Dead and COD 27. My wallet is already crying.