In the past month PC gaming has been pretty dry, I've been playing lots of older games, trackmania united as usual and team frotress 2 with the new whorchievements and unlockables. Nothing new got released really. Alan Wake got pushed back to 2009 which makes me sad :(
I did get some vibrating (!) headphones, that has got to be the most unusual experience I've had in games. Basically it plugs into the usb port for power and starts to vibrate with heavy Bass sounds. So things like heavy bass songs start to vibrate my head (o.O) but things like grenades/shotguns/heartbeats in games, vibrate it too. I think I'm learning to like the feeling actually but I can turn it off if I get sick of it.
I did buy and play through Shadowgrounds Survivor ($5). It's a sub four hour game, but it's really a casual/arcade type game. It was a fun diversion and certainly worth the price.
Still working on my Gamespot Menu firefox extension, up to version 0.8 at the moment, and it has more customisation options, and soon a right click optional context menu to save you the time it takes you to go all the way to the top menu. On Mozilla, it's in the sandbox - which means you need to register to download (a real pain) I'm working on getting it public but lets just say the process isn't fast. You can get the currently still in progress version here on this hostsnake site as it was previously.
Bought Dark Messiah Might and Magic on Steam, apparently according to Chandu, it has his favourite creatures - spiders - all over the place, I"m only just at the boat so I haven't seen any spiders yet (looking forward to it). So far progressing pretty good, combat is involving so it's fun that way. Watching a guy climb up the stairs 4 times as I kick him down when he gets to the top is gold.
Also of interest is that I'm looking very carefully at getting a PSP with something like vice city stories, would be used for travelling, portable vid/mp3 player, or anytime I'm not at home on my PC. Currently debating whether it's worth getting, because I'm not sure how much I'd use it, and obviously I'd need a 4gb or bigger memory card to get some movies/songs on there too.
Between my last blog and now I played and completed painkiller overdose. Not much to say apart from it being very much like painkiller, new locales and new enemies. The load times were atrociously long, and I did get kinda tired of the constant barage and could only take it in small doses (!) But really if you like painkiller original this going to be good for you. I finished it with 1 hp left ;)
I also joined True Gaming Union the esteemed leader there does good work, he has some nice wallpapers up there on the main page anyway you might like to check out (gaming babes).