Thats right, a new FREE version of Trackmania Nations is out, it features more blocks and a unified ladder with everybody who has the United version. You can play the complete stadium environment for free :) You'll need to create an account but from then on you are set to play this crazy game
Download it now:
- Filefront
- GamersHell
- Worthplaying
- ComputerGames.ro
- Internode
- Gamespot
- Fileplanet
What I've been playing
Swat 4:
This game is both frustrating and rewarding, it's very tactical. You can't run and gun because you lose points for taking down bad guys without being under threat (eg being shot at, or aimed at after warning them). What this means is that you will try for non lethal takedowns including pepper spray for non mask wearing guys and tasers for those with electric personalities. Pepper is great for pesky civis who frankly don't want you to cuff them. It has an ok range so spraying bad guys quickly then tasering them (one -two punch) to get them to disarm works wonders. Gas masks guys will give you hassle though so you just get in position to taser them or flash bang them.
The great thing about swat 4 is that the enemy placement is very random, so is their action. Although you can see trends for sure, you have to play it safe. Many times I died when one or two guys were left, part of the trick is to use your squad as cannon fodder. There are no saves per missions, but it doesn't feel like you are drudging though the same crap due to the random placement, and most good mission runs are over in like 10 minutes.
Swat 4 Stetchkov syndicate:
Overall pretty weak expansion, very few new things. The best would have to be the new taser gun with two charges and longer range, also being able to time your squads together and smarter AI in general (like bad guys picking up weapons they dropped when you have your back turned ).
Rainbow Six Vegas:
Didn't like this one much, music was good and the graphics and gunplay is reasonable but everything else didn't mesh well with me sometimes the AI would be just dumb as hell, game missions were pretty boring, casinos, casino construction and dam was pretty much the extent of the variety. Too many obvious game triggers, stupid checkpoint saves, repeating conversations from dumb mercs etc. The terrorist hunt mode is ok I guess. At least it looks ok!
New stuff:
Lastly I got some more RAM, 2GB DDR 2 6400 (c4) to make the total amount of RAM in my PC at 4GB, naturally with Vista 32bit I don't get it all but I do get ~3.5GB, which is plenty more. Rocking with 1.8gb used in firefox and not having it choke is gold :D
Also announced today was Penumbra: Requiem
Thanks for reading :)