Going Green
by nweasel on Comments
Looks like fun, don't it? I think I may have to join in on this fun. Anyways! Just a little update. I bought Shadow Hearts recently, and I love the Judgement Ring battle system. It reminds me of Legend of Dragoon in a way, ya know? I also bought the special edition Devil May Cry game. I haven't opened it yet, but my friend loves it. And, it's amazing how I bought those two and it only costed the price of one. Finally, I'm buying Kingdom Hearts II at the end of the month, and I'll be using my $25 Best Buy Gift Card to do it. Man, this is a great month for gaming! We've gotten a lot of snow up here in Minnesota. I mean, a lot. It'll be over a foot by the end of this week! Monday was eventful. We DIDN'T get a Snow Day, while EVERY other school district in the region did. It was crazy. But, after tonight's snow, I can't promise that we won't still. It's March, right? We always have crazy weather. Anyways, that's all. Later!