Less Gaming, More What?
by nweasel on Comments
It's been an interesting last week or two. Honestly, I don't think I've picked up a controller in a week and a half or so now. HERESY, I know. Well, actually, I've been using more of Game Editors than actually even PLAYING games, but that's just because of what we've been doing in school lately. None the less, I've been shying away from gaming a bit lately, and it's starting to disappoint me. It's not that I don't WANT to, it's just that I haven't had the DRIVE to. The games that I currently have are starting to get to that point of either not being fun anymore, or being frusterating. Also lately, I've been working a lot more on my radio show that I opened a bit back. It can be found by clicking right here. We play a lot of video game music as well, and I am thinking of having a video game music marathon on something like Valentine's Day or something, so keep an eye out for that. Other than that, the only important news in my life is I got my girlfriend back. Even though I didn't tell you that I lost her, we went through two weeks of her being so stressed that she almost left me. In the end, she decided she wanted me back, which, of course, is good. Oh, and to close this off, I want to say ONE more thing. You Don't Know Jack? Amazing game. I've had it for YEARS, reinstalled it recently... my friends and I play a round or two every day at school. We love it. P.S. I love the new additions and updates to the website. It's lookin' sleek. Keep up the great work GameSpot!