Following Microsoft (my thoughts, here), Nintendo is here to show what they've got in store. How was it? Continue reading to find out.
Before I continue, I'm going to say it now so I don't have to later: this is all my opinion. I say that because I don't want to have to say "IMO" after everything I say.
I'm also not going to bring up multiplatform games, timed exclusive content, or anything else that is/will be available elsewhere. Each of my 3 blogs that cover each event (MS, Nintendo, Sony) is going to cover exclusive, only-on type of stuff.
First off; What I liked:
Zelda: Skyward Sword - It's Zelda. That's enough to get me excited. Yeah, ok, Nintendo themselves couldn't even get the game to work properly, which was funny, but obviously there was a problem beyond the game itself because no way Nintendo would've put that game on the stage if it was the game itself. As for the game, the idea of controlling your shield, as well as slicing in all directions with the sword, could be really neat (like having to slash the plant monster thing vertically instead of any which way). Also, when the beetle took flight and revealed some more of the scenery, I really liked what I saw. Beyond that, a whip, and a few cool ways to throw the bombs, we didn't see a whole lot. Nintendo doesn't have to reinvent the whole of Zelda, but I do hope they have a few more changes/additions/tweaks to show us. But, even if they don't, it's Zelda, and that's enough for me to buy it on day one when it ships in '11.
Nintendo 3DS - Sadly, we didn't get to see any of the 3D effects, but I have a good enough idea of what it will be like to know I'm going to buy this thing. Not just because of the 3D, but because we know that Nintendo kicks ass with their handhelds, so this thing is a safe buy. I mean, just look at the games that were already announced - MGS, Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil, Saints Row, et al. I would've loved to know when it's coming and for how much, so I'm really surprised and saddened that we didn't hear something. This tells me that the 3DS could be a little ways off. Whenever it is available, count me in.
Goldeneye - I was one of the many who loved this game back on the N64. At that time, this was the game to play. This new one has a lot to live up to, but here's hoping they can pull it off.
Metroid: Other M - This looks like the perfect blend of old school Metroid with some new thrown in, which is what I wanted all along. I'm definitely buying this one.
Next; Intrigued, and not so intrigued about:
Kid Icarus Uprising - I'm as happy as anyone to have a new Kid Icarus, but I wasn't blown away by what I saw. First off, the voice of Pitt was just appalling; I really hated it. Yeah, that doesn't really matter, I just had to say it. As for the game, I'll reserve judgment 'til I can see it in all its 3D glory. Intrigued, to be sure, but I'm not sold just yet.
Donkey Kong Country Revisited - I loved the DKC games on the SNES, but I wasn't as pumped as the crowd seemed to be when they showed this. I'm interested because of the past DKC games, but I feel that it should've evolved a bit more for a new console adventure. Nothing radical, but something a tad more than the standard 2D platformer would've been nice. If it was a DS game, it would be more understandable, but for a console, I expect a little more. I'm definitely keeping my eye on it, but I'm just not sure yet.
Disney: Epic Mickey - I think this game sounds pretty interesting. I'd like to hear/see more of it before saying I'm going to buy it, but what I saw was promising enough that I'll keep my eye on it.
Golden Sun DS, Dragon Quest DS, and Kirby Epic Yarn - Eh, I can't say I was too impressed. Maybe my excitement for the 3DS caused the two DS games to be overshadowed, but I really couldn't get excited for these. I'll check them out, but I'm nowhere near sold on them. I won't put them in my "dislike" category, but they're only hanging on by a thread, especially Kirby Epic Yaw..., sorry, I won't got there. Yarn.
Finally; What I didn't like:
Wii Party, Just Dance 2, and Mario Sports Mix - I don't have much to say. They just aren't my thing.
I thought Nintendo had a great conference. It feels like Nintendo has a new focus on real games, and not party/casual games. Not that those are all bad, but Nintendo had been focused on them for too long. The Nintendo 3DS also sounds very promising, with its strong lineup of games and neat features. The future games for the Wii look great, and the 3DS should be fantastic. After this conference, more so than in the last few years, I'm excited with what Nintendo is doing. Great show, Nintendo. By far your best in a few years.
I'll be back later today or tomorrow with Sony.