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#1 nycpunjabii
Member since 2003 • 1024 Posts

[QUOTE="KraigA"]More 360 fans means more votes! pointless poll imo.Koalakommander


Not necessarily. There was recently a poll where someone asked whether they should buy a PS3 or 360. And many 360 owners said that although 360 does have more and better games (which is pretty much fact) that at this point PS3 might be a better buy due to the whole blu ray player, price drop and better games being released.

I didn't agree with the opinion at all but more people voted PS3 so people are more open minded than you think.

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#2 nycpunjabii
Member since 2003 • 1024 Posts

better games, better online

There's not much on PS3 right now (exclusive game wise), but i love the hardware and having blu-ray is great deal.I may be wrong since i don't own one but Sony's gamesfeel more traditional console'ish meaning more traditional beatum-up games and japanese rpg's, etc.

Xbox games always felt more complex because it brings more pc games to consoles. That difference is a bit blurred since Playstation 3 has many of the kind of games that only microsoftused tohave (elder scrolls series and good shooters). But there is still quite a difference since Xbox still has the superior online addictive fun, and far better games and those that i personally find more intriguing. Open ended rpg's like Mass Effect, and shooters like Halo 3 (Gears is much acclaimed). And games like Alan Wake just intrigue me more than something like Metal Gear Solid.

So yes there is a point in getting it. Should you- well that depends on your life and gaming style. Online play is really fun but too time consuming if u want to be serious. Right now there is no exclusiveps3 game that i have any interest in playing (no bias) besides Unreal tournament 3 and maybe resistance. There should be better stuff next year and multiplatform games are good. If u have the time and hardcore interest in gaming get it. If u don't have free time or ur more focused on studying harder or working to get ahead in work or go out a lot then u don't really need another system.

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#3 nycpunjabii
Member since 2003 • 1024 Posts

bully apart from theese ones


There are a lot of games im looking foreward to next year...



Ninja Gaiden 2

Devil May Cry 4

Too Human

Halo Wars

Soul Calibur 4


Thats to name the ones i remember off hand... If you dont think any of those are impressive than i dont know my friend.


Add infinite undiscovery,Saints row 2, condemned 2,Endwar,NFL tour,Mercenaries 2, the club, splinter cell 5, Amry of two, RB6: V2,army of two,alone in the dark 5, Unreal tourney 3, Midnight club: LA, Fable 2, Halo wars and the almighty GTA 4. pwnage.

Out of the listed games I don't see any realAAA titles other then GTA4 ( which is multiplatform anyway) and Halo Wars. The rest seem like the regular run of the mill games that we get each year.

Where is my Bioshock sequel and Gars of War2?

Im really looking forward to UT3 and the new Battlefield and/or Quake Wars. Lost Oddyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Fable 2might/should be good. Im sure there are going to be a few surprise AAA titles among those.

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#4 nycpunjabii
Member since 2003 • 1024 Posts

Right now 360 is the better system...

Tbh though, I don't think I would pay for a 360 now though.. I think its peaked, and PS3 is just going to blow it out of the water in 2 years time..


I don't see that happening. First your assuming that Xbox 360 has no good games down the road... u've gotta be naive to think they have nothing left.Microsoft made a big push to strangle Sony and they got most of the market (Wii is targeting a different market) and most of the momentum.

Xbox 360 is more popularwith the general public and the hardcore gamer. You can't reverse what already happened. Casual gamers will not care to buy another system. And buying Xbox because friends have it and to play online is another incentive that will keep the system selling over PS3. Plus this bombardment of quality titles will keep pushing future buyers toward the 360. This generation 360 has already won and this will translate into more support for this system in the future than for PS3.

Sony is in total desperation mode right now. Their plan has totally failed, as they are losing badly in a market that they dominated a few years back.So far the big hyped up titles for PS3 have not lived tohigh expectations like Lair, Warhawk, and Heavenly Sword.Some thought these would be incredible and revolutionary. However, they offer more simplistic gameplay than what 360 gamesoffer. Part of this I feel is because360 games (like Halo and Mass Effect) are closer to PC games being more thought provoking, complex, and involving in their gameplay. And playstation titles consistently score lower than 360 titles.

Blu Ray is nice... its the only thing that makes PS3 a really good buy. But anyone with both systems will tell you there is nocomparisonbetween the gaming experience, with 360 being better. And the whole Ferrarri:Minivan analogy is absurd. You lose credibility with that. "8 cores must be better than 3", lol i once thought that too. That's the CPU so it'll have negligible effect on graphics and for gameplay, usingPS3's to improve gameplay in a way that cannot be done with 360's CPU is highly unlikely.

PS3 has good games, they just don't compare to what you get on x360

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#6 nycpunjabii
Member since 2003 • 1024 Posts

read the reviews: Xbox 360 hasmanybetter games, much higher reviews. If u look at the sales numbers, from a business standpoint, and the momentum Xbox360 has in the masses, PS3 will not catch up to 360 in sales this gen either. Its just not going to happen take my word.

PS3 has the blu-ray player so its hardware is an awesome value. So ask urself how useful a blu ray player is to you.

I've always felt Xbox games to be closer to PC games, which always had a greater degree of realism and immersion and exhilirating fun to them. They don't feel like childish console button mashers with sex appeal and rock and roll music ( with the exception of DOA4)...

But I don't havea PS3 so maybe sony's games have matured. But PS3 is seriously lacking in quality games, not only in the games rated 9.0+ as excellent titles, but even those games that are rated 8.0+ and considered to be good fun to play.

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#7 nycpunjabii
Member since 2003 • 1024 Posts

better marketing, even their commercials were way better. The commercials made the DS look like something different and yet something that a cool person would own. And i think its cheaper - that's a big plus for all those kids asking their parents for money.

Plus especially in the younger kids market that love these portable type games, trends and fads are common. So an "explosion in sales" for one product over the other is not a surprise.

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#8 nycpunjabii
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the first time you battle with the templars attacking, your first kill and the first time yoursprinting from guards, climbing buildings, and jumping across rooftops and swinging on bars in escape is exhilirating.

I just started the game but the graphics, and depth of research into the time period and recreation of it with the associated political and religious tensions so far is amazing.

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#10 nycpunjabii
Member since 2003 • 1024 Posts

The game looked amazing.

Noticed the glitches but I guess I just ignored them, so minor and it is a demo.

I think the demo made more ppl want the game. The dynamics of the gameplay, the setting, the crowd interactions all lookstunning (for a game), very big project for a company to take on.

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