"Following the big success of mobile game Fallout Shelter, Bethesda also plans to make more mobile titles in the future. Additionally, a new Elder Scrolls spinoff game, The Elder Scrolls Legends, is coming out for mobile devices and PC later this year."
@amillionhp: man, you are NOT going to like No Man's Sky lol. Think about doing even LESS than Skyrim but on 18 quadrillion planets armed with 1 weapon only.
@ShadowStyleB: Im 10 or so hours in, been on this same planet for hours, every cave, almost every monument, almost every creature and alien feels no different to anything else ive seen on the planet. The Gek race, are suppose to be aggressive , conquering nation. Theres no military bases, no congregation or meeting areas. No towns, No cities. But they are actually , kind of cute and nice lol. Which is why , im not sure yet, that anything in this game with the the exploring side of it, is attached to anything worth exploring.
But i havent even left this planet, so maybe something on the other planets will make me want to explore it.
@tomb_light: My biggest gripe with it , is how empty it is. there seems to be ships flying all over the place and theres bases everywhere, but theres only ever like 1 guy in a shelter, or base, or trading post. 1 guy lol.
@semi74: to be fair, theres not a lot going on in DOOM 2016 at one time. It's not like it has to generate anything for miles. DOOM definitely owns the hell out of it, in thegraphics department that's for sure. Hell, even DOOM 3 owns No Mans Sky in the graphics department from 2003 lol.
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