"The old Ghostbusters are dead. Long live the new Ghostbusters." :< Quote from gamespot reviewer.
^yuck.......how sad. Also, that's literal, one of the most beloved of the Ghostbusters, Harold Ramis, IS actually dead. Sad.
Also ive watched quite a few female reviews of Ghostbusters. Many female reviewers have actually dissed this movie and have not given a sht, that it's an all female cast. Is the movie good or not? many female reviewers that i've watched anyway have said no, its totally crap and can't look at Chris Hemsworth the same again and think the comedy is immature and garbage. lol. There was one female review I watched that thougth it was the funniest movie ever. But she DID get free tickets from her mate that WORKED for SONY lol. So I'm not sure if i can take that review seriously.
But in saying that, Ghostbusters 2 (written by Ramis and Ackroyd), was pretty mediocre, it was ok, but not really good either and also never lived up to the original.
The best of the ghostbuster's franchise is part 1, Ghostbusters :The Video game and the cartoon Tv series.
@howthegodzkill: Many female viewers and female reviewers have been saying this movie is totally sht and now can't look at Chris Hemsworth the same again lol.
To be fair, I really didn't like Ghostbusters 2, it completely sucked for me and that was helmed by the same people as the original and to be honest, Ghostbusters :The Video game was a bit better than Ghostbusters 2, just, but still rehashed almost everything from the original movie. But it was ok. I haven't seen this yet, so I have no idea what this one is going to be like. Hopefully they did something new, fresh and creative, instead of relying on the original. But from what I've been hearing it relies to heavily on the original. That's not good. For me to really get into it, it needs to be new, fresh, innovative and completely it's own thing. Also from pics I'm looking at, Why the same 1980's gear and car? It's 2016 , not 1984.
The New Batman doesn't have Micheal Keaton's Batman gear from the 90's and the new joker wasn't anything like the original Joker. They innovated a bit and got creative. The new batman also doesnt have the 1960's cheesy shitty grey uniform and underwear, today's Batman s completely new and fresh. By the looks of the pics I've seen and some of the trailers, in the new Ghostbusters movie, they chose to use very similar gear to the original, by the looks of it. But it has chicks instead of dudes. They even changed the receptionist to be a guy. It's so silly. Why not have 2 guys and 2 girls? I'm surprised the receptionist isn't transgender. Now that actually would of been funny as, actually having a shemale Ghostbuster would of been crack up , if done right.
@Jdzspace: to be honest, I think Man Of Steel really IS fcking with the original Superman. I really don't like the new Superman concept at all. But many other people liked it. The original Superman movie with Christopher reeves did have him fight a few common thugs in the street. I liked that Superman more than the new take on Superman. This new Superman is kind of a deadly COLD anti human, co-existing with humans, that will rip your heart out with his eyes, if you make him angry. I preferred the warm hearted good willed farmer boy that tried to pretend he was human and tried to fit in, was more interesting to me, than the new concept.
I want the cross play stuff for sports games, like NBA 2K etc, because getting games on PC like sports games, unless its FIFA can be a drag to play online. Cross play using an Xbox controller on PC, would be beneficial for me, JUST to have the console player base to play against, not just PC users. Not to mention the Xbox exclusive games coming out on PC. Hopefully Halo collections and gears of war 2 and 3 and Red Dead Redemption etc, will follow.
I still can't believe this game isnt on PC. Last Of Us, I get it, but Microsoft XBOX games, I don't. Dear Microsoft, I have a PC, I'm NOT buying your console lol. I spend my money on a graphics card , Not a console. I would buy a GTX 1080 graphics card, before I'd buy an Xbox.
I havent bought a console since i found PC gaming. However, I don't JUST play PC games for multiplayer games. Most of the games I play on PC are Single player games, not multiplayer games. Just saying. Multiplayer gaming, isn't the reason i built a PC. Its the sheer amount of depth and choice PC gaming has over consoles. If Rockstar decides to not release Red Dead Redemption on PC, seriously, I think is my loss AND their loss. They can't get money off me if they don't release it on PC and I cant play it, so it's sht for both of us. That's why I prefer if companies released ALL games on PC.
Not all PC gamers in Counter Strike that are good, are hackers though. I don't hack and ive been kicked off numerous Counter Stike GO servers, because people have THOUGHT I was hacking.
I'm not sure if i'm salivating at the idea of this game or not. It could be a LOT of empty worlds (with a few strange looking creatures) and a LOT of empty gameplay and a LOT of empty space , with bits of "oh that's interesting". Who knows. I have no idea, how this game is going to be to play. That's pretty cool in itself and will probably drive me to at least check it out, to see what kind of potential this type of game could have in the future. Some open world games, with only 1 world, can get boring eventually, without the quintrillion worlds.
nyran125tk's comments