If you're buying a slim just for the memory, then I suggest just simply upgrading your hard drive instead. A 60GB PS3 is valuable. It's the true definition of "It only does Everything". A 120GB can't play PS2 games, so it's basically "It only does everything but play PS2 games". But if you really have to, I suggest you sell it at around $400-$550 since you're selling it along with 8 games.ninja_whereI'm buying it mainly for the quiet. I never play ps2 games, I still have a working ps2 for that.
o0ojoeyo0o's forum posts
Im selling a 60gb PS3 On Ebay (UK), And I was just wondering how much I should charge.
I'm offering the PS3 (With all leads but the av, as i lost it when i bought an HDMI), A Dualshock 3 And 8 games, As I want to buy a 120gb slim.
So, Any ideas would be useful, I need as much as I could possibly get with all the stuff.
Sony dosen't like hearing they need the second stick so the psp would be perfectdubb55
I dont understand what you just said...
This may sound stupid to you guys, but I think it would appeal to alot of gamers.
I think they should start releasing PS2 games onto PSP. I for one would love to have a handheld GTA: San Andreas. I think it would probably save the PSP From its imminent early extinction. And i know there would be problems with UMD space, But i think if they tried hard enough it could be possible.
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