Well I have been playing DotA 2 for a while now. It's a very good looking game, the creativity of the heroes makes me wanna play the game on its own. Mechanics are normal to any MOBA and the mental and quick though gameplay really makes me happy about the game even if you get killed in so much a brute way that almost hurts you. My dislikes about the game is the defeat and win attribution. Sometimes we can win a game and not even got the sum of one win to your score, and if any of your team mates disconnects and doesnt come back you get a message saying its safe to leave but you still got a lost to your score, this is kind of frustrating.... it makes no sense since the player will penalized by the leave but you still are... kind of sad this is working like this.
However I am looking forward to the Tutorial part of the game, achievements, socialize and the mentor stuff that are still under construction. Honestly I would prefer this to be their primary focus and not the new customization items going on...