Good news everyone!
Last day I got my free beta key to play raiderz, the beta only starts agost 8 and I need to thank Gamspot for allowing me to get the key and I am exited. I am not sure how its going to be the gameplay and the dynamic of the game, even more importantly how will they keep the game up and available. We have seen the raise of League of Legends and DotA 2. Both games I have been playin. Well I don't play LoL anymore cause I have been laking some time with my normal day to day work at the university! And by the way it's starting to bore me a LOT!! The game is always the same thing...
I am more a story-driven-game player and with the steam summer sale I bought a lot of interesting game. L.A. Noire, Fallout, The Witcher, Vampira the Mascarede and a others... I am not sure if Raiderz will have a back story and the idea of the game really interest, seeing the game on Totalbiscuit channel made me at least wanna try it!
Good that we have a MOBA game with a combat focus gameplay, dodging and teamplay but the game may not have so much susses. But it is gonna be a good experience for to try the game... I will be posting my review as soon as I get my hands in the game! I hope I see Totalbiscuit around!
Ekert "Egas"