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Halo 3 beta signup begins, new trailer airs

In November, Bungie Studios and Microsoft announced that they had a huge announcement regarding Halo 3. Many hardcore fans were let down when the news was merely the announcement of a beta program...that wouldn't even start until spring 2007. Today, registration for the beta program began at the Halo 3 Web site. The beta will initially be open to North American gamers, and not everyone who applies is guaranteed a spot. To participate, gamers must have: a) An Xbox 360 with a hard-drive; b) A valid Xbox Live Gold subscription; c) A valid Microsoft. NET Passport account with a Xbox Live GamerTag linked to it. More details on the beta-sign up can be found on [UPDATE 3] A new 60-second Halo 3 ad aired during last night's Monday Night Football matchup between the Philadelphia Eagles and Carolina Panthers. It is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace,, and via the link below. Halo 3 is due out in 2007 exclusively for the Xbox 360.