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A Wii Christmas !!!

First off let me start off by saying I hope all you guy's and girls have had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did ! We have a rather large family so my Christmas actually started on Sunday morning with a Christmas breakfast at my grandmother's on my father's side, it was great, nothing like getting up in the morning to go eat some breakfast and open gifts, I think the breakfast was the best part though cause everybody knows grandma can "hook it up in the kitchen".

Then after that during the same day I had to finish up some very last minute shopping seeing that my cousins from my mom's side were coming over at 3 pm the same day, I went to the Mall and Best Buy, let me tell you I will never ever wait till the very last minute to do shopping again. People are crazy when it comes to driving, parking spots etc......, I almost got into two accidents on the way to the mall because of people pulling out in front of me . So I was glad to be done with all that . So I got back to my house with about forty five minutes to spare before people started showing up.

Then came Monday we all had to go see family that we didn't get to Sunday and then after that I went to go deliver gifts that I had bought for my friends. But it was all worth it because this morning I get woke up pretty early to go up stairs to see what "Santa" had brought me and let me tell you I wasn't expecting much but I got a Wii Christmas, so I'm pretty stoked first thing I opened was the Wii Play with remote,which was great cause I was needing another Wiimote, then the next thing was Super Mario Galaxy then Metroid Prime 3. I was thinking wow this is surely enough but they keep on coming the next gift was the Wii Zapper with Link's Crossbow training with Final Fantasy II for PSP taped to the back of it.Then I opened up a few more gifts and out of no where my mom comes out of the back room with Guitar Hero III Wii edition. "Santa" was wayto good to me this year and I appreciate very much. We'll I just thought I'd share my Christmas holiday with you guy's and girls,like I said at the start of this little blog I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.

P.S. I also forgot to mention that i also got Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn