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Summer Vacation Time!!!

Hello GS!!I'm just back from my first summer vacation of this year.I've been in the cities of Greece,Komotini and Alexandroupole with my uncle.I was in Komotini for 2 days and in Alexandroupole for another 2 days.However I didn't swim at all since the temperature was very low and the wind very strong:(.However I saw all the landmarks of the city:).So I felt like sharing my moments with you all!

Day 1:

I left my city Kozani with the bus in order to go to the city of Thessaloniki.In the bus there was a man in his early 50s who left Kozani for the first time in his life:P.He was sitting next to me and in the duration of the trip I didn't stop laughing due to his hilarious comments like:look at the flamingos!!!And no we don't have flamingos in Greece:P.So after an hour of traveling we reached the city of Thessaloniki where my uncle would pick me up to go to Komotini.

The city of Thessaloniki.

So there my uncle picked me and after 2 hours of driving we left the area of Macedonia andreached Komotini.Komotini is a small sized city of Greece which is called "the city of the minority" because out of the 55.000 people living there only the 25.000 are Greeks and the other 30.000 are people from Turkey.

So over there,there are many thousands of Greek Soldiers.It's a city were Turkish are spoken more than Greek and Turkish Politicians are elected.As you can understand there are many thousands of Muslims over there to.The Greek government build the biggest church of Greece over there in order to promote Christianism.The city of Komotini really fascinated me.Anyway since we reached Komotini late we went to sleep and the other day my uncle would saw me around the city:).

The city of Komotini.

Day 2:

The other day I woke up late and I went to see the sights.I ate the best crape I ever tasted in my life(I would actually note this as a sight),You know Komotini doesn't have a single traffic light and people walk right past the cars.The cars are braking all the time to avoid pederastians and many accidents happen,some of them fatal.

Like I mentioned before there isthe biggest amount of soldiers and war vessels of Greece over at Komotini.So every year in the anniversary of the victory of Greece against the Turks all those soldiers get out and begin a giant parade which ends in "the sword",a giant monument of the Greek revolution.

So after visiting this landmark I went to the church of Komotini by which I was impressed by it's size and it's luxury.It was build last year so It's still not ready.After that I went to the central "tzami"(that's the Greek word for the place of worship for the Muslims).I'm a respectfull person and even through I'm an atheist I enjoyed watching how muslims perform their religious "duties".After seeing the cities biggest landmarks we went back to our hotel to sleep and prepare for the trip to Alexandrouopole.

The sword

Day 3:

At the third day we went to Alexandroupole after a 2 hours drive.Alexandoupole is a greek city positioned less than 20 kilometres away from the Greece-Turkey Border.There aren't many people from Turkey living in Alexandoupole.Alexandoupole is the only greek city created in the 20th century,around 1940.

During the first day I didn't do any sight seeing because my uncle had some work to do:(.I only walked around the city.It is a a modern build city and there is a great "view" to the nearby island of Samothraki from the beach.

Samothraki was one of the most important islands of Ancient Greece.Before the 12 Greek gods religion was created people believed in some ancient gods who were "loved" in this island.Each year some games took place in which all the cities of Greece sended their champions to parcipicate.Pretty much like the olympian games.Ancient Samothraki is the most ancient civilised greek city.In later years many important academies were made there.I think that Alexander's father,Phylip studied there.I really want to go to Samothraki once.

The city ofAlexandroupole

Day 4:

The last day of my vacation I went to see the sights.I went to see the lighthouse of Alexandroupole by the beach.BTW it looks like a cigarete dosen't it:P?Other than that I lost an hour or something with a guy in his mid 40s trying to enter facebook.He wanted to upload some photos and find some friend of his.He asked me to help him and I couldn't refuse...

After that I tried to swim with that fabulous body of mine:P but like I said the temperature was to low and the waves giant.I don't have a problem with big waves,instead I like it,but the sea was far to cold.So after that we began to go back to Thessaloniki.After visiting the beautifull city of Kavala we reached it.Over there we ate some tasty fish and we begun going back to kozani.By 11:00 am I was back:).

The lighthouse of Alexandroupole.

So that's it fellas.I enjoyed my vacations very much.I like meeting new people and their traditions.In a week I will be going to Athens and inb less than2 weeks I'm leaving for 28 days to England.Unfortunately I forgot my Camera this time so the photos I posted aren't personal at all:(.Anyway at 30th of this month I'm writing a wrap-up of E3 and the upcoming releases of July.Please post your thoughts;)