Hello friends,
I would like to personally congratulate the moderators who memory holed the thread about transgender people in sports. It looks like nobody was the wiser! Your quick suppression bonuses will be applied to your next paycheck.
As long as we continue to prevent anyone from discussing this or raising any criticisms, all challenges will simply go away, as if they never existed. From the party to you, we approve. Let the mass delusion continue!
Please continue to shut down all discussion of this topic, in order to protect our most vulnerable. Words are literal violence after all, and we can't tolerate that.
Please take care to prevent anyone from learning any of the following:
Most gender dysphoria suddenly onsets right around puberty. A time when teens are already confused, prone to depression, and uncomfortable with their bodies. And it overwhelmingly happens to girls.
"In a recent survey of 250 families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or right after puberty, Lisa Littman, a physician and professor of behavioral science at Brown University, found that over 80 percent of the youth in her sample were female at birth."
Puberty blockers are far less safe than our good friends at Big Pharma would have you believe. (Definitely don't let anyone know this, my golf vacation depends on those kickbacks.)
"Dr. Ken Sinervo, an Atlanta-area gynecologist who specializes in endometriosis surgery, reports having seen many women suffering memory loss and joint pain after Lupron treatment. He was quoted as warning that “Lupron or any of the similar types of medications should never be used in someone under the age of 21.”"
"In addition to preventing the development of secondary sex characteristics, GnRH agonists arrest bone growth, decrease bone accretion, prevent the sex-steroid dependent organization and maturation of the adolescent brain, and inhibit fertility by preventing the development of gonadal tissue and mature gametes for the duration of treatment."
DEFINITELY don't point out the sudden massive increases in Gender Dysphoria. Continue to gaslight and claim it's merely because of increased acceptance, and nothing to do with social contagion at all. We cannot tolerate any questions which may bring someone's delusion, I mean existence into question
"This fits with the observed phenomenon of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria after puberty, among adolescents with no previous signs of dysphoria in childhood. In the first exploratory study of parental reports by Dr Lisa Littman several factors were identified by a significant number of parents, suggesting a social contagion among teenagers, predominantly girls, with pre-existing mental health or neurobiological conditions. More research into this group is desperately needed."
Finally, please continue to push the narrative that kids will DIE of suicide if not given gender affirming care, and steer people away from data like the following. We want people to be too panicked about suicide to think rationally.
If word were to get out that rates of suicide appear to be completely unchanged across all stages of transition, well.... my Golf vaction would be in jeopardy again.
Excellent work comrades! If we continue to memory hole things we do not like to discuss, we can make it as though they never existed. We're all in this together.
Your friend O'brien from The Party.
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