I Have a 27'' Westinghouse HDTV (720p) and I really like it. My Blu-Ray movies look great. But, if you're choosing between the Samsung or the Aquos, I'd go with the Aquos. I've read good things about that tv. You could also add me if you'd like. If not I won't be offended :)
Actually, this site might be better. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=racing+wheel+pc&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=2343758781&ref=pd_sl_99wu95y228_b
Logitech G25 Racing Wheel is the best, but it's almost 250 dollars. This site seems to have a nice variety, so I thought it might help. Good luck! http://www.shopping.com/xGS-pc%20racing%20wheels~NS-1~linkin_id-8011124~cid-2774178714
I've always liked the XClio A380 Twin Engine case. It's 110.00; I know you said under 100.00, but I figured I would offer this alternative anyway. http://www.ntcompatible.com/A_Case_Twin_Engine_XCLIO_A380_Review_s72836.html http://www.pcper.com/images/reviews/401/1-Silver-Black.jpg
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