ocdodger's forum posts
After my fourth xbox360 i decied to go with a elite... Its kinda starting to act funny on me bioshock ran smooth when i got near the part where u become a protector in that big *** suit it started lagging like every 20 steps but even before i got in that suit and also my xbox freezes for like 10 seconds when i put a movie in and for some reason for like 1 min when i put in my burnt movies :( hope its not my xbox 360 im starting to hold a gruge agiesnt microsoft. Oo
I doubt its your elite, i have one aswell that i purchased not even a month ago and same thing happened to me with BIOSHOCK in the 2 to last and last levels. I have a feeling its the game.
gonna pick it up the same day.....this game is way to popular for the devoloper not to have made enough copies. jmo
it kinda sucks cause its more of an annoyance, but what r you going todo huh...
this doesn't happen to me all the time but enough to get me upset. when i die and revive in the pods and as i come out of it, i come out shooting and thats upseting because sometimes i might not have ammo to spare. anyone else having this issue? has it been addressed?
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