So, back to the original topic, I would not like to see another love-based FF. I think that love should be involved in the story because it adds depth to the characters, but I dislike when the game is based around love (FFVIII). Politics and revenge are more exciting topics, and love can certainly play a role in those.
I liked the game myself; it was much better than FFVIII and the return to the old-world style characters was cool (black mages and knights for example). I really enjoy the medieval style character classes. Also, the story was solid, much better then the previous one, and the graphics were impressive as well. Though i enjoyed some of the other FF much more, IX was still a very good game. The only problem I had with IX was (correct me if I am wrong) the final boss came out of nowhere. I only played the game once, but I do not recall any mention of it until the very end of the game. It's been a few years, so I could be incorrect on that though...
I'm going to have to be Cloud. And, since you have no limit to your hp, wouldn't it be beneficial for everyone to just heal every turn? When we damage you, it doesn't push your next action back very far. It seems to me as if we get enough people to join the game and heal constantly, then we cannot lose, but I could be wrong. Anyway, Cloud is my choice.
Im going with Cloud because he can handle himself in a fight much better than Link. Compare his speed and skill in Advent Children and compare that to anything you have ever seen Link do, he just can't keep up. Sure, Link has some very useful magic, and his arrows would be helpful, but he can't hide forever. In the end Cloud would slaughter him in a melee battle, not to mention Bahamut Zero. And on a side note....Cloud already has experience fighting south paws. For those of you who don't know, Sephiroth and Link are both left handed.
Its a hard decision, but I think I'm going to go with Shadow because he is a ninja, and more of a loner than the others. Auron and Vincent will have to take second followed by Amarant
I pre-ordered it as well, but i wont be seeing it until 2 weeks from now because the place i ordered it from doesnt ship to PO Boxes, and i wont be going back home for about 2 weeks.
I'm definately getting it, it looks like it is going to be a sick game and it will have the FFVII characters (I'm hoping more than just Vincent) and world which is a bonus.
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