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ogichiichigo Blog

Blog 2

Well here goes the second blog. Another late night with things on my mind. Woot!

Games: Well unfortunately Jake had to take his PS3 back so no more Sly Collection (I didn't even get to finish the first one! :/ ), but I did get my hands on a European release of Xenoblade Chronicles. And I have nothing to say but DAMN, what a game. This game is huge, beautiful, imersive, and the english voice acting is British. Not even half an hour in and I already got to start on side quests. I'm about 3 and a half hours in and I am loving it. I highly suggest it.

Band: Kyle is starting a new band to enter a contest to open for Hollywood Undead. Not the biggest fan of them, but it would be a good start for the band. So wish us luck, we start practice tomorrow hopefully :)

Music: Still been listening to Set Your Goals and Less Than Jake lately. I'm talking Pezcore :D

School: Didn't go today and forgot my Calculus homework again. This is probably going to become a thing for me. This teacher's gonna hate me. I'm really hoping that test isn't tomorrow.

Relations: Things with Tia are still going well, but I know my ex is still trying to get back together with me. I could let this bother me, or ignore it. I'm going to stick with the second one.

Jake:Well since he can't play Vesperia, Jake's also gotten himself into Xenoblade, and has put some serious time into it. He's got more time on his hands, and loves his RPGs like I do, so he'll probably finish it before I do. Also he's looking for a new anime since he finished Soul Eater with it's disappointing ending and complete stray from the manga. Any suggestions?

In Closing: I wonder if anyone actually reads this? Probably not. I might as well be talking to myself.

First Blog

Okay well my first blog, pretty damn cool. Sitting in front of my computer at midnight and can't sleep, even better :D Games: Well I finally got myself to play the first Sly Cooper game on The Sly Collection which I'm borrowing from my friend. What a great awesome game, I mean it's just so fun and interesting. Really makes me wish I had a PS2 growing up. Hoping to beat it soon and start on the second one. Oh and I'm really pissed off right now! I lost my PSP memory card with all of my save data and Final Fantasy IX on it. I was really close to beating it too :( Band: I'm in a few bands and my new one called FHL finally has a drummer. Gonna do a practice on Friday I think and see how that works out. I play guitar and sing. I need a new guitar though because my Ibanez has a crack in the neck which throws it out of tune... :( Hoping for the best. Music: Bands to listen to, Set Your Goals and Pennywise. Both on Epitaph, good label, awesome man running it. Guitarist for Bad Religion. School: Forgot Calculus homework again... Crap. Life in General: New girlfriend working out well, though an a close ex of mine is talking to me again. Let's see how this fun twist of events turns out! Jake: Just beat Star Ocean The Last Hope and started on Tales of Vesperia. I'm never getting my Xbox back... In closing: Blogs are cool, maybe I'll do this again :D