First Blog
by ogichiichigo on Comments
Okay well my first blog, pretty damn cool. Sitting in front of my computer at midnight and can't sleep, even better :D Games: Well I finally got myself to play the first Sly Cooper game on The Sly Collection which I'm borrowing from my friend. What a great awesome game, I mean it's just so fun and interesting. Really makes me wish I had a PS2 growing up. Hoping to beat it soon and start on the second one. Oh and I'm really pissed off right now! I lost my PSP memory card with all of my save data and Final Fantasy IX on it. I was really close to beating it too :( Band: I'm in a few bands and my new one called FHL finally has a drummer. Gonna do a practice on Friday I think and see how that works out. I play guitar and sing. I need a new guitar though because my Ibanez has a crack in the neck which throws it out of tune... :( Hoping for the best. Music: Bands to listen to, Set Your Goals and Pennywise. Both on Epitaph, good label, awesome man running it. Guitarist for Bad Religion. School: Forgot Calculus homework again... Crap. Life in General: New girlfriend working out well, though an a close ex of mine is talking to me again. Let's see how this fun twist of events turns out! Jake: Just beat Star Ocean The Last Hope and started on Tales of Vesperia. I'm never getting my Xbox back... In closing: Blogs are cool, maybe I'll do this again :D