ogregun's forum posts
I'm simply wondering if anyone knows of ANY PC racers that have crash/damage models similar in quality to this:
or this:
or even this:
Now, the reason I ask this isn't because I'm some crash fiend...I enjoy playing racers for what they are: racers.
However, I just can't shake the feeling that theres something more satisfying about any racer with the potential for spectacular crashes. It just adds to it.
I've played flatout/flatout 2 and DiRT. The flatout games have some noble crashes, but still lacking in comparison to the above games. DiRT has nice graphics/damage effects, but the physics were way off the mark and quite frankly I just disliked the gameplay in DiRT altogether.
That leaves me with: nothing. So what I'm asking for are some racers for the PC that match the quality of the above listed racers. I've given up.
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