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ohaifrancy Blog

Google Maps, I love you! #PokemonChallenge

As an early April fool's joke, Google maps was transformed into a Pokedex that allowed you collect 150 Pokemon. They even offered a Pokemon Master position at Google if you collected all 150. This is seriously my favorite April fool's joke. Google always goes above and beyond.

Oh and I am waiting for my offer letter .....

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Let me know below if you took the challenge!


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When I was young, the WWF was my life (do you remember when it was still called the WWF?!?!?!?!?! geez I feel old). Sitting around the tv with my family was one of the few things we did together, so I treasured those moments. We were lucky enough to go to couple shows in the Tri-State area and that was just a dream come true. To see Rowdy Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan in real life was just unbelievable. I would spend hours mimicking his poses and screaming "Whatcha gonna do BROTHA"! My obsession continued through high school and slowed down when I moved away to college. My family continued to watch every week and caught me up as much as possible. I feel I completely feel off a couple years later and that is where I am today. I watched Wrestlemania at a coworkers house last year and felt it was time to come back. I became fully committed the moment the WWE network was announced and I am hooked again. Is this happening to anyone else? I have not stopped watching the WWE Network since I signed up for the service 2 days ago. There is nothing wrong with this of course, but it's crazy how I just want to keep watching.

Community Challenge: Should Nintendo move away from hardware?

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My simple answer is no. In my eyes, Nintendo is the most recognizable gaming company out there. It was the first system I was exposed to as a child and a company that everyone has had a connection with in the last 2 decades. For people who know English as a second language, Nintendo is the word they associate with gaming. No matter how many times I have told my family about the Playstation 1, 2, or 3, they still called it a Nintendo. I am pretty sure when I get next-gen console in the next couple of months, they will say , "Ohhh you got a new nintendo!". I think it's absolutely adorable and very nostalgic. From what others have experienced with non english speakers, they have encountered the same situation. The few words people recognize when trying to communicate is: McDonalds, Disney, and Nintendo (just to name a few). I feel Nintendo does a great job of exposing you to amazing games, but fail at trying to compete with the on going changing trends. They try to innovate and and get ahead of the curve, and still remain behind. I really hope they figure things out soon, because I was hoping that my future kids share the same experience as I did.

Community Challenge: Steam Early Access Blog

Today on Friday's GameSpot blog, we announced the start of community weekend challenges. Every friday, we will pick a challenge and offer it to the GameSpot community. These challenges might be to write a blog or even share a picture of your setup. Every week, will be different and hopefully fun. Our favorite content will be feature on Tuesday for GameSpotting.

The Banner Saga Gif Set

I make all the gifs that live on our tumblr account. I worked on these today for the Banner Saga. They are ok and give me uploading issues on tumblr, so I decided to just share them here :-p If you have any tips for making gifs, let me know! I want to improve.

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How I was Introduced to Final Fantasy VIII

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I was introduced to RPGs when I was in the 7th grade with the game Final Fantasy VIII. My best friend was constantly playing a game and talking about this Japanese game he love. He played this game for hours and hours and was not even half way through. I decided to try it out and asked a different friend for her copy (it had to be someone else because the first guy played this game constantly).

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I was initially bored by it. I was not into reading so much back then, so it was difficult. It took me a couple months to give it another try. I picked up where I left off and realized I had not been playing the game correctly. I restarted the campaign and leveled each of my party members. By the boss fight, I was so into it. I thought my head would explode from the awesomeness. I don't want to share any more to ruin anything, but after a twist I thought the game was almost done. Then it said incert disc 2. I swear my lif shattered at that moment. It had been a year since I had "borrowed" this game. I asked the girl who lent it to me was pissed off and didn't let me get the other discs.

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Till this day, I still have not played the rest of the game after disc one. Today, a version went up on steam and I think it's time for me to pick up where I left off.

Meet me and the rest of the GameSpot Crew this Friday!

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Hey everyone!

Do you live in or near the San Francisco Bay Area? GameSpot is holding the PS4 vs Xbox One Live Console Showdown! This event will take place at our HQ which is in SoMa. If you come by, you will be able to play on both consoles and meet the GS crew. This event will be more of a next-gen experience than a showdown. We want to give everyone the chance to try out both consoles. We won't be choosing a winner because almost all of us have bought both, lol. Each console has it's reason for being awesome. I how to see as many of you guys as possible!

What: PS4 vs Xbox One Live Console Showdown

Where: GameSpot HQ - San Francisco

When: Friday, November 22 from 3pm-5pm PST

RSVP: Tickets

Let me know if you will be able to come!

PS4 Launch!

This week officially started the craziest week of the year. Launch month is upon us and will just keep getting better. Our PS4 launch coverage started on Wednesday at 6am and we were one of the first to stream to the public on a PS4. Danny and Chris, who if you din't know already are awesome, lead the 5 hour live stream. They showed off alot of single player campaigns because there weren't any people playing online. I personally was not present for the entire stream because I would be staying for the midnight launch stream. I posted the video below of our early access stream incase you missed it.

Then came the midnight launch........

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This was my first official launch of a console. Almost everyone in the office stayed past regular hours and the energy was just awesome. Danny and Chris lead this stream as well, but Shaun stayed for the entire stream. We finally were able to play the online multiplayer and it was glorious! Our coverage covered the launched in NYC and SF. We had camera crews on the streets hanging out with the fans and just reporting back. We covered every launch game and even danced..... yes we danced which can be viewed here! This was honestly the most fun I have had in a really long time. We all had an amazing time and love bring you this kind of content. The entire GameSpot crew tries there best to make our community happy. I hope you guys see that :) Oh, I have also included our PS4 launch stream incase you missed that as well!

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