I was introduced to RPGs when I was in the 7th grade with the game Final Fantasy VIII. My best friend was constantly playing a game and talking about this Japanese game he love. He played this game for hours and hours and was not even half way through. I decided to try it out and asked a different friend for her copy (it had to be someone else because the first guy played this game constantly).
I was initially bored by it. I was not into reading so much back then, so it was difficult. It took me a couple months to give it another try. I picked up where I left off and realized I had not been playing the game correctly. I restarted the campaign and leveled each of my party members. By the boss fight, I was so into it. I thought my head would explode from the awesomeness. I don't want to share any more to ruin anything, but after a twist I thought the game was almost done. Then it said incert disc 2. I swear my lif shattered at that moment. It had been a year since I had "borrowed" this game. I asked the girl who lent it to me was pissed off and didn't let me get the other discs.
Till this day, I still have not played the rest of the game after disc one. Today, a version went up on steam and I think it's time for me to pick up where I left off.