She's obviously going to be in Jets camp. Everyone knows how Rex Ryan appreciates the FOOT in Football.
ohjtbehaaave's forum posts
[QUOTE="Texas2089"][QUOTE="StrongBlackVine"]And the PC version beats both 360 and PS3 graphically so not sure what your point is... I'd take the ease of use ps3 version if it's visually sound. The 7.1 PCM sound is a huge bonus for me in theatrical games like this and uncharted. Playing them on a PS3 on a 55 or 60 inch HDTV is also a huge difference maker compared to a PC. In 3D even.PS3 version is much sharper and the colors more vibrant. My fears are alleviated. Not even mad about the timed exclusive DLC now.
I don't think you understand economics. The PS3 has sold 76 million units? Do you honestly believe the PS4 will sell that many when it releases? Ergo, the PS3 has a MUCH larger user base established, and if any console is going to suffer (initially) it will be the PS4. Just because a new console is releasing doesn't mean everyone is going to buy it and abandon the PS3 which they already have a substantial library of games built up.[QUOTE="Kravyn81"][QUOTE="KillzoneSnake"]
PS3 games will be taking a sales hit this year. So this is it guys... last year for the PS3 RIP.
That doesn't matter. Look at KZ3 sales vs KZ2. KZ2 won on sales even with less PS3's in the world.
LAUNCH GAMES SELL A LOT. And if we look at launch PS3 games they sell way better. Resistance 1 sold more than KZ2 or KZ3. Look at Motorstorm 1 sales (almost 4 million!) vs Motorstorm Apocalypse (0.3 million LOL)
Console sales have been dropping a long time ago, and now people got PS4 to look forward to.
You're missing the point though. Gamers who own a PS3 will be able to play the same games launching with the PS4... resulting in many ignoring the PS4 at launch.Actually all these games also going to PS3(and Xbox) are going to hurt the PS4... not vice versa. Until PS4 gets games exclusively... why run out and buy a PS4 to play games that we will be able to play on the PS3. Is KNACK a system seller? lol. The reality is like with Wii U... early adapters of the PS4 will have a new system without a good game library... and it might take up to a year or more for EXCLUSIVE games to start swaying people to buy a Next Gen system.
yes it is and the reason why ps3 was a big jump from ps2 was because of HDhardyz200
So what you are saying is you're happy forking over $500+ dollars for marginally better grasphics on PS4?
Because almost every game coming to PS4... is also coming to PS3. Do you really want KNACK that bad?
What you don't think gamers are going to line up for that hot day one gaming experience that is KNACK? Total system seller! :roll:
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