During my vacation, which I had just came back from on the 29th of December, I spent most of my time relaxing in my hotel, watching TV, swimming, surfing when my family transfered us to a room with a computer. Apart from that I went sightseeing and lots of book and clothing shopping. The food was good too. Life was great, for me at least it was. And around after Christmas, maybe the 27 or so, my father received a message in his cell phone from my neighbour. Before we left, you see, my dog.....ate some rat poison from god-knows-where and god-knows-who. But that was a long time ago, maybe early 2006. By the way his name is Harry. Harry must have only gotten a small dose, since he was relatively okay the whole year. But the symptoms started creeping out slowly, from slight relunctance to eat, to certain changes in his behaviour such as ignorance and so on. It was like cancer, you won't know it untill it gets serious. Around November, he didn't wanna eat anything, dog food, chicken, rice, eggs whatever. My dad just thought that he was bored of the food, so he tried and tried more and more food, which all didn't work apart from a one or two bites and a sniff before walking away. He also started spending so much time under the car, sleeping and resting and all the time looking so weak. Me and my brother insisted on seeing the vet, but my father refused untill things got from bad to worse. Around mid December, he started pooping uh...poop with 'extra filling', and he started choking alot, and sneezing out blood. My dad gave us the green light and the three of us brought Harry to the vet, who looked like some kinda trainee but aparently she's the expert. She inspected him thoroughly and told us that he has been poisoned, ironic as it is, by rat poison. When she took his temperature, through his butt, it showed a fever temperature, as well as traces of blood. She explained to us that rat poison is designed to make the victim bleed to death with internal bleeding. Aparently my dog's stomach tissue has been sort of deteriorating all along ever since he took the poison, as well as the internal bleeding. It hurts when he eats, even when he drinks, acoording to the vet, at least. When it gets really bad, even breathing can hurt the poor thing. :cry: Later, she gave him three injections, one to clot his blood to help with the internal bleeding, another to help counter the poison a little, and the last to basically to sort of quicken the pace of his tissue repair. Right after the injections, he was much better. He ate well, drank enough water and was much more active. But that only lasted for a day. Right after that day, he started eating less and less, drank less and slept more and more. Oh and the vet also gave us medicine for him to eat daily, three of them, one for his fever, one for the poison and another which acts like an antibiotic. He didn't want them. We mixed it with his food, grinded it to dust and mixed it with his food but he still ignored them. He did eat a little though. We knew the cost of he didn't eat them. So my dad put the grinded medicine in a spoon with some egg(raw) and tried to feed him, that didn't work so I tried to pry his mouth open, but he tried to bite me instead. But two days later we had to go on vacation. I didn't want to go but my dad insisted, saying that the flights had been booked, the tickets had been bought and they already packed my stuff in. My dad arranged so that our neighbour will help us feed Harry and give him the medicine since they had some experience in handling dogs. So I went, I left my house, my neighbourhood, my town, my friends and my best one, my dog Harry, while he is sick, and painful, and dying. I gave some good scratches and pats before I left. We accidentally let him out many times, and two out of them he came back only the next day, and on both those nights rain poured. I always wondered where he slept, where he took shelter, how did he interact with the wild dogs and where did he get the food, if he did get any. He probably got the rat poison while he was out. Either some godd*mn a**h**e gave him the poison, or he caught a rat already with rat poison and maybe did or did not ate it, or he just ate rat poison meant for rats accidentally somehow. Well maybe I talked to much. The message my father got was pretty inpolite in a way and it devastated all of us. It read: "ur dog passed away. please call LAMC to pick it up. 1:48pm *forgot exact date*" He was only 2 years old. By the way LAMC is the government branch for animal stuff over here, y'know pet registration and all that stuff. Me, my brother and my sister didn't communicate with anyone for a few days apart from some 'u-huh's and 'mm-hm's and slight shakes and nods of our heads. My father and mother were extremely sad, but they still had a family to feed so they just acted normal. We all couldn't sleep for many nights and woke up feeling tired. The holiday just went on as usual, just that we didn't talk much. My dad then later called our neighbour to help bury the dog and specified a location in our backyard. I'm happy that he'll be buried in our backyard but I'm not at the idea that I wasn't there. When we got back, I saw a patch of plain soil at the backyard and I just cried right there. So many thoughts and memories went through my mind at the time, as did the feelings and emotions. I couldn't stand it. Luckily I wasn't the only one crying, my brother and sister were crying too, only they were doing it in the house. I caught myself eventually and unpacked, cleaned the house with everyone and stuff. My dad then greeted out neighbour and thanked him blablabla, then asked where did he find Harry's corpse, turned out it was right at our doorstep. Thats where he would've always seeked for company when he was scared. When the fireworks and everything were being played during the Chinese New Year or other festivals, he would've got scared everytime and came to out door, scratching it and making whimpering sounds the whole time. We, of course can't ignore that so we always let him in for some time, only at the door though. Our father never allowed us to bring a dog in, so thats as far as he ever got within the house, apart from a time when I brought him on a tour around the house when I was alone. :P When he was dying, he must've came to the door and seeked for our company and help since he hasn't seen us in more than a week. The fact that he died wanting to see us and we were miles away enjoying ourselves...I felt the worse guilt ever. How will you feel if something or someone you loved died and you never got to see it/him/her one last time? Or that you didn't even lay a thought on it/him/her when it/him/her needed you most? I will never forgive myself for everything thats happened Harry. Harry was a good dog. He wasn't a big strong German Shepherd or a cute adorable dog like a Chihuahua, but he guarded the house like any other sentry and had never failed to be as good a companion as any best friend can be. I don't know how I'm supposed to end this, or whether you even care but I'll just wish that Harry rests in peace and had a decent life despite how short it was and the struggles he had to face. I'll post some photos we took of him(if you want), he was already starting to become thin back then. I can't find photos of his first year, they're probably in a flash drive. I'll do it when I can access my photobucket account, my connection's too slow right now. Thanks for your time.
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