I liked SWAT3 more then SWAT4.
Even SWAT2 I think i liked more then SWAT4.
SWAT5 would be awesome.
Iam no programmer but I think that I could give many ideas if you really want to "make" SWAT5.
SWAT4, I dont know its what is wrong with all actually shooters also. It plays like random comic figures.
SWAT3 have weaknesses also but it was more like "straight and clean terrorist killing. The game need speed, like in realistic. Cool thing that it was possitble to change the "ms" of the suspect and officers AI. SWAT 5 must have it too, that all can play on "their" skills what they think is "realistic".
Whatever if you need any assistance with many many many ideas, I think I could give many. I read in some article that "Irrational Games" had no ideas for SWAT5, well I do not have this problem. =)
And Yea Gogo SWAT5 please but no comic shit, a fast and clean and straight, realistic, terrorist killing shooter would be cool. No silly hostages and many dead terrorist without a chance to win. But see realism is the one thing but in real most shooters have "collision problems". To compensate realism and a "computer mouse" simply less collision size, and maybe 1-2 "centimeter" bigger ways. Makes no fun for example in SWAT3 or any other shooters if you walk up stairs with 5 people and they all make you stuck. This is silly, not even one shooter exist with a solution of this problem, but I will find a solition if this is not already enough.
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