:D Hello my fellow butt pirates..
The last few weeks have been funny yet crap!!!
I 'll start by saying Capcom Fighting Jam is the worst game ever in the world and im a Street fighter fan!
this is how i sum up CFJ; How to make money on your lunch break???
1) Your walking randomly on your lunch break, and happen to encounter a really bad drawing of a capcom game!!
2) you have a sudden urge to try and complete this idea.
3) ON the rest of your lunch break, rip every capcom sprite (the characters animation etc.) from random games.
4)make some poo and really badly timed backgrounds.
5) rip on to a CD and seel to the nearest retarded console company eg. Microsoft and Sony!! (sorry guys, but your this retarded to let such an abbismal game come out on your good consoles.)!!!!!!!!!!!1
and there we are, my introduction!! the morale of this review is>.......................
this game was processed through a pot smokingl, condom manufacturing, retarded, and socially f***** buttpirates!!
While i was writing this i burned my own copy of this game!!!!
rating, -2