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oldwiseman13 Blog

another glitch

 it had me as a 22 year old in the   about me section an claricfacation im 15 sorry of this glitch gave you the wrong impreshtion it is fixed  and whont be confusing again

no snow day

 i heard in the news papers  that the department of ed did not cloes the school they are as dumb now as wen i whent their

rome kicked @$$ last night

 unless you were sleeping under a rock rome was on last night and it rocked it is on hbo and evry one sould watch it  it is on sunday night 9pm ( the twilite zone of tv theirs never anyting on) check it out is is great

im back

 after my short brake from i am back i see that all is well and the glitch is only temporary i am happy go go on the forums and chatt as much as i can see you next blog

Turnner Dead From the Neck Up: Payies Boston 2 million dolars for scare

 i cant beleve they are paying them 2mill this is uderly rediculouse  dont tell me the best of the boston pd caint tell the diffrence between a chileds toy and a bomb they must have failed kindergarden

 but it is possabul that turnner called it in not exspecting to responce or acsepting it they where prity quick with the paying it is possabul they they called it in to get advertisement after all  " all news is advertisement as long as they spell your name right

 but ether way you think of it they are dead from the neck up and the bostion pd are !d!outs

super bowl = super boor

 i fell asleep in the middle of the third quoter good thing i recorded it  but i fell asleep it was soo boring evry 3 seconds a camershal borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring

 it better be better next yearor i wont watch

News Flash : Boston PD Spends $750,000 to Blow Up A Lite Brite

 And the 2007 winner of dumbest police force goes to..........

 how the he!! does a police department spend $750,000 blowing up a lite brite advertisment for a latenight cartoon and then charges the two who put them up for " atempt to cause bomb and terrer scare" they think these two intended to scare any one they where payed to adverties acartoon show not doop the boston pd into thinking that a lite brite with a cartoon caricter giveing  the bird  is a bomb that sendes the city into panic and causes them to shutdown briges and tunnals  (  may this be a lession to all that boston pd  graduated police school by coraspondice)  it is good to know that in a post 9/11 era  a police department can mistake a lite brite advertiesment for a bomb i wonder if  they got wet from a lawn spritser that they woud think it was raining

hope fully this wont happen again but with the mayors responce it think it is only a matter of time