It's kind of cool to see how video games, just like people and cars, has evolved over the years. It'll be very interesting to see what happens over the next 20 years!!
Is anyone else TIRED of the 'console wars' going back and forth?!! I bought a ps3 first and then 8 months later, I bought a 360. I'm not a "fanboy" of either system, although I do like the ps3 slightly more than the 360, but for reasons that have nothing to do with the graphics. That being said, I enjoy BOTH systems because IMO, each one has it's own benefits. I play each on a 42" plasma and they look equally as good to me. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to just respect another persons decision to buy whatever they want. PS3 v.s. 360, Ford v.s. Chevy and so on..How about just enjoying whichever system you have and be thankful that technology has afforded us the opportunity to enjoy these games which are becoming more and more lifelike/realistic.
olschooldu2's comments