There is so many good games that are coming out this month and I have only so much money. I plan to get new Fable game, but that leaves me with other games to get like New Spiderman game for the 360, Persona 3 Fes for the PS2, Golden axe: beast rider for the PS3. I have saved up the money for Fable but don't have enough for the others because of my comic collection every Thursday. It costs me around £40-£50 on some weeks and on other weeks it would only cost me £20 to £30 and on top of that I have recently started to read the anime Fruits Basket and I have made a reservation with the comic shop to keep two books aside each week so I can buy them when I collect my comics. The bad thing is that they are £8 each for book and there are around 18 books all round. I have already purchased the first five volumes and I am now expecting more copies next week. The worse thing is that I have gone back to school and have expenses to pay off. You can see the predicament I'm in. The only good news is that I am getting a student support fund in a couple of weeks and it should be around £200-£350. This should ease my worries for the time being. I am also currently saving up to go see my brother in Boston and I need to save up some cash for the Summer. I am hoping when I get over there I can get my games cheaper over there than I can over here. I also plan to get another tattoo. I don't know where on my body I am going to get one. I already have one on my right shoulder of a Manticore, I also have a tattoo on my left arm. I have my surname tattooed on my left arm. If anyone has any suggestion on where I should get my next tattoo please feel free to let me know.
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