omega_link2's forum posts
My friend has to decide between Bioshock and the Orange Box. He works hard for his money and can only get one (for now anyways) He tried out the demo for Bioshock and loved it. And he also heard great things about the Orange box. Is Bioshock better than the demo? Also, would it creep him out? He tried Dead Space and was scared s*** from it. He already has Portal and is still wondering if the Orange Box is still worth it. To add to that, if he hasn't played Half-Life 1 would he still enjoy/understand HL2?gaming4usOrange Box will give you more content but Bioshock is amazing. Its not really scary per se but it has some moments. also the atmosphere and story are incredible you'll be sucked in at once. its addicting as soon as i finished my first playthrough i started again
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