if it's saying something about a payment option, make sure the credit card you are paying with did not recently expire. without the exact text, this is the best guess i have.
onehardrocker's forum posts
Jeez you guys are nosy snobs. The POINT is that I asked the question and it doesn't matter why I need the answer. Anyways here's why I need to know. I opened up my 360 in order to fix it. I fixed it but I now have to open the disc tray with the controllor. Happy?mentos_eater424This is sure to get you an answer. Epic.
and I guess I've got a couple of days to think of some more AvoidingRealitylol, i've been trying to think of a new gamertag for about 6 months :-P it hasn't been a top priority haha but i'm very picky.
1) Xbox 720 is a stupid name that should end now. I can almost guarantee that this will not be the name of the next Xbox.
no offense though, bluray was developed by sony how would ms or nintendo even use it period,mariokart64fan
2) that is the stupidest thing i've heard in a while. They would have to pay licensing fees obviously, but they could definitely use it if they wanted.
I have yet to sell a game and doubt I ever will. I've bought games I thought I was going to like but hated them; however, I still kept them. I will not be ripped-off by EB.
Sell on Half.com, you can get a decent amount for them. And conversely, if you want to buy a used game, buy from Half.com. EB is just royal rapage, they pay you 5-10 bucks for a game that they will sell for 50-55.
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