oneligas / Member

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Dragon Letdown 2

Dragon Age 2 is majordisapointment for me. the postivesidewas that Dragon Age 2 has better graphics and combat, but the negative is that the game lost the soul of what was great about Dragon Age Origins. the list of problems in no major order

1. Qunari look like idiots and weretotally annoying/ elves gotreally stupidlooking as well

2. no plot worth mentioning the Champion/Hawkdoes nothing butsolving standing quarrels that would go either way anyway

3. it's the same boring 3 dungeons for 40 hours

4. dragon age without the blight and arch demonnot EPIC

5. partymembers have the personality of dry toast

finally it just feels like BioWare is on the verge of becoming the same as Square Enix in the sell theRPG to the lowest common gamer instead of making goodRPGs. and i have a bad feeling about Mass Effect 3. i think that ME3 will be sonerfed that it wont be anything more than a shiny 3rd person shooter with a useless dialog wheel that has no real effect on story or game play