See, the problem with this picture I made comes when you look at the lizardman on the left and come to the realization that an enemy that wears metal diapers is not a very imposing enemy. Then again, I could think differently than you.
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom. There, I said (wrote) it after so many failed attempts, since I originally believed the game was called Kingdom OF Fire (which is, of course, a call back to the movie Reign of Fire, which is a completely different matter to discuss). Now I've perused a review or two and have to say that for a game I plucked off the rental shelf simply because I liked the box art, the title isn't nearly as bad as it could have been. It could have been Two Worlds with an elf chick, bad. Or Beowulf with less rhythm game action, bad. The possibilities are endless and none of them sound good.
In other news, I hit 20,000 achievement points on Xbox Live and feel like both a winner and a loser. But I'm going to try to focus on the "winner" part of that equation because, hey, if I pretend like I didn't sink hundreds of hours into getting that score, then it's almost like I actually didn't.