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...Who am I?

Never thought I would click that "Post Blog" button ever again....

Well..for those who forgot who I am, I'm (obviously) On-Link, a long time member here at GS and someone who was heavily affected by the community that was once here but unfortunately left. Even more unfortunate is the fact that I lost contact with all those amazing people (with the exception of 1 or 2 people). My main objective is to see if anyone of those friends are still active here and provide them with new methods of contact.

E-Mail: antonio0593@gmail.com





PSN: DensetsuX

AIM: AntonioG0593

MSN: oni-linkpwns@hotmail.com

Now That that's out of the way...let me bid a final farewell to the site, well mostly the users of the site, that made me who I am today. Without this site, I would probably never took up graphic designing and might have never started to pursue it in college. I also became a heavy anime fan because of some people here. I even learned some coding and became even more interested in computers than I was before hand. I used to wake up and first thing i would do is go on this site and see what changed, if I leveled up, if I gained new emblems, did new members join my union(s), what new forum post are going on...It was like one of those sill on-line sims but with really people, who I played games with for hours and had loads of fun. Now...here I am 6 years later, 18 years old (if you do the math, I was here since 12), with 5 years of photoshop experience, winning competitions and working with clients, video editing with Sony Vegas and having watched over 100 different anime( yeah, no life lol). There are many more things to who I am today but one of those things is the loss of the awesome friends that I talked to when I was a kid.

Now I visit GS and it's become less of the fun community Iremembered with users talking about their favorite games, designers doing tutorials and SOTW's, user's creating "forum-games" and discussing rumors and unions striving for members and activity and more of just a game site with just reviews, screenshots, cheats, and some news. I mean, the unions page looks EXACTLY THE SAME for the past 6 YEARS, and if you don't believe GS doesn't care about it anymore, then you must be blind or I must have missed something...All the user's I cared about left for various reasons, my unions, both the ones I'm leader of and the ones I've been a member of since the beginning, have failed short of activity and every attempt to bring it back, no matter what the union, would be in vain. However, GS still has some striving user's that are activebut GS is just isn't fun for me and most people anymore...and if you ask me, I think GS is slowly loosing interest in it's user's as a whole.

But regardless, I'm not here to motivate any change, as I'm sure it will never happen and hell, if I'm wrong, feel free to use the above contact methods to prove me wrong. I am simply here to retrieve what is hopefully still here that I care about. Please keep in tough, both new and old friends cause I HIGHLY doubt I will ever be back here again...