onigedaki / Member

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Injury, quite an understatement.

So lets start off by saying "Don't try this at home."

Last weekend I was at a "blind-pig" (read: illegal bar) with a couple of my Navy brothers. We were laughing it up, drinking, and trading stories. One of my buddies who currently is a S.E.A.L just got back from oversea's. While we were chatting it up I noticed this guy across the bar yelling in this woman's face. Well it sure didn't go unnoticed by all of us. The next thing I saw was this idiot pushing this woman. I then turned to my buddies and said

"I'm going to let that go on for about another ten seconds, then I'm goin over there." My brothers were all in uniform, I was not. As soon as I turned from commenting to them I witnessed this P.O.S slap this woman at full force.

I didn't hesitate, I rushed to the other end of the bar stealthly. I came upon the man from the back thinking to myself "You are so done". My left hand shot around his right shoulder landing on his right chest, gripping like the talons of a Hayabusa. At the same time my left shin was exploding behind his right knee like a case of C-4. The combined effect sent him backwards onto the concrete.

From there on it was brutal, very brutal. With the idiot on his back, I turned and focused all 220lbs of my frame to my right knee and dropped it into his sternum. Heard something crack but it didnt register till way later when I re-played it over in my head. Then it was time for the real beating, I must of hit him at least ten times in the face, picking a different target every time I smashed his flesh with my "cement blocks" (read: fist). I saw his cheekbone poking through his skin felt three or four more cracks and flooded his eye-sockets with blood.

What happened next was pure intelligence, my Navy brothers came up behind me and each one took a hold of my limbs and carried me outside with the utmost urgency. We jumped in my buddies Jeep and tore out of the parking lot similar to how f-22 Raptors burn off the deck. If we were there when the Police got there we would have all most deffinately been court marshalled.

The next day I awoke to a swollen hand and a dull pain in the knife side. I went to the emergency room, had an X-ray, and met with the doc. He told me that I have a "Boxers fracture" in my fifth meta-carpal. So here I am now with a cast on.

That's not the worst part, the worst being that my first physical fitness test for the S.E.A.L's was slated for the 18th of December. This injury is going to set me back at least six months! If I'm lucky enough to fully recover. If my hand does not heal correctly I could be banned from Special Warfare.

The moral is thus, pick your battles carefully. For exercising this womans right to chivalry I may have cost myself my career.