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ono165 Blog

IM BACk!!!!!!

ok, ok no need to act to excited =P. Long time no see, and just to lets you know all of you have some catching up to do. so.... lets see what has Onesha been up to you ask? nothin much, i haven't played one of my games in a while so catch me up o things tell me what's "poppin". My brother and I went way back in time =p he bought "Power Stone" and " Power Stone 2", when I was liitle thoose were my favorite games for the Dreamcast. I have a Question for anyone who can answer it......." What the hell with DREAMCAST!!! ?" I know that something happened with the games but what ?

Well that all I can stand to type today SO......... I guess i'll think about writing you all some more. lol =P Love YA gurl



I can't find anyone to make me some tags. But if anyone has any info bout someone who makes good tags please im me! thanx!

Tomb Raider

I'm so excited to play the new game i bought (Tomb Raider: Legend). I't looks so fun. And i played the first mission and i think im in love! lol!

I forgot.

I forgot to tell everyone that my family and I went to Disney World in Florida for the second time. But we stayed for two weeks. It was so fun! And Chip gave me a hug and a kiss. And Storm was so kool!

A new stock!

I have finally have put all the games I own onto gamespot! There are a few on my Xbox i haven't put in but that will have to wait. But im feeling good now! ( Yeaaaaaaaa for me!)

                         - Talk to everyone later!!!! :)

:wink: I'm about to go to bed! ( way past my bed time! 1:39 am!) Jk   goodnight all!

I dont go!

On Monday I have to go back to school. I havent even study for a test I skipped( i left school 2 days before Winter Break).This sucks, but i cant wait to show off my new PSP. i was happy when i got it. well im fealing kind of good to day so i guess ill talk to everyone later!


i need help with what kind of computer and software i need for playing with other people live and being able to talk with them. and what is the best computer games and what router i should get to play my DS with other ppl so i need info on how to do that. so someone just please help me.


Ive been trying to get on the computer all week but its like i cant step away from the psp i got this christmas my selection isnt big but i got X-men legends 2 rise of apocalypse and the other thing i got was a movie which was i robot. but i decided to come here and explore as much as i can before i start playing again.