IM BACk!!!!!!
by ono165 on Comments
Well that all I can stand to type today SO......... I guess i'll think about writing you all some more. lol =P Love YA gurl
I have finally have put all the games I own onto gamespot! There are a few on my Xbox i haven't put in but that will have to wait. But im feeling good now! ( Yeaaaaaaaa for me!)
- Talk to everyone later!!!! :)
:wink: I'm about to go to bed! ( way past my bed time! 1:39 am!) Jk goodnight all!
On Monday I have to go back to school. I havent even study for a test I skipped( i left school 2 days before Winter Break).This sucks, but i cant wait to show off my new PSP. i was happy when i got it. well im fealing kind of good to day so i guess ill talk to everyone later!
Ive been trying to get on the computer all week but its like i cant step away from the psp i got this christmas my selection isnt big but i got X-men legends 2 rise of apocalypse and the other thing i got was a movie which was i robot. but i decided to come here and explore as much as i can before i start playing again.
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