@lucas182: i watched IGN playing it yesterday (no pyramid sliding) and felt confident in my pre-order (for the X) but with this supposedly running on the X, i didn't expect to see any of the stuff I've mentioned and for me, it's very disconcerting that its there.
@skektek: Horizon Zero Dawn is in a whole nother league graphically when compared to this, but they are using the 900p engine in this game, aren't they?
@lucas182: i think its a draw distance thing, textures appeared to be missing when looking down from the top of the pyramid and the pop-in as he's sliding down it is very offputting and not something I'd have expected to see at all on the X
don't like the pop-in as you slide down the pyramid or the way the blood moves onto and off of the camel's leg as its moving, to mention but two of the problems i have with the above vid.
I'd have thought these kinds of things would be over with on an X.
oo_Yungstar_oo's comments