Diablo 3 looks like it will be a good fit for you.
oo_Yungstar_oo's forum posts
as a new system for playing games, it's good.
as a new system with a useable interface, its beyond bad.. but getting better all the time.
u cant notice the difference in 1080p or 900 wat system do more people u play with have.
i'm not seeing a big difference between the games i play (if any) on the two systems.
Bungie has confirmed that Destiny will run in 1080p on PS4, but the Xbox One's resolution is still not finalized. However, Bungie is hopeful that it can reach 1080p, thanks in part to the June Xbox One SDK that boosts console GPU power.
1/ get the price below that of its leading competitor. so that the difference in multi-plat games is not worth the extra cost of the other system. although probably to late now.
2/ get the OS sorted so that its better than the 360 and not worse as it is now.
i'd say an upgraded Xbox or Xbox TWO would happen quite quickly if MS's fortunes don't improve over the next 6-12 months. if they stay in the console market that is.
id say the game was for PS360 and MS stepped in to take it next gen, so they would not have had enough time to do it justice.
two games stood out for me.
White Night on Xbox ONE and No Mans Sky at Sony's presser. although i'll also get NMS on Xbox ONE.
i don't think there is a game yet that shows off the power of PS4 as a "this is an awesome looking game".
for me, just being new to the market and far more powerful than PS3 means all games look far better than those of the 8 year old PS3 and while Killzone looks fantastic. its what i'd expect at the start of this gen.
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