I've been holding off on doing this blog since about 3AM on the 12th of this month on the train back from New York's Grand Central Station. Yes I was indeed at the Metal Gear Solid 4 launch, in Time Square, all day long (Since 9AM) waiting in line for the game to be finally released to those uncomfortably energetic little kids in line since the day before. :o
So just to clear things up... Seeing as the pictures aren't entirely clear (Camera Phone). I received autographs from both Hideo Kojima & Yumi Kikuchi (A.K.A. "Raging Raven").
Want some of those pictures I always like to post? Sure...
Both autographs...
Hideo's autograph... Blurry, I know
Yumi (Left) Hideo (Right)
Now that was the copy I bought at launch...
At the Virgin Mega Store...
At midnight...
Where I was nearly stampeded by 300 Spartans...
I mean FANS!
*Time Paradox!*
I had a special package arrived nearly a month ago. In said package was a bonus DVD with a nice little series retrospective and a key to join the Metal Gear Online Beta. The DVD was a good watch, for 20 minutes... Mkay?
...Seeing as I wasn't going to even touch that autographed disc again for another 10 years (Sealed in glass) I had to buy another copy of the game to actually enjoy and play, eventually. So I might of aswell bought a copy of the special edition of the game. Which is what I did!
Now this was the true reason behind why I had to delay this blog for so long. My package got lost twice in the mail, bent, crushed, and drenched in water... Thank god it was sealed in bubble rap! It arrived around 1PM today, in the cramped little mailbox down the driveway. And NOT at the front door like it was supposed too! Thanks a lot UPS!!! I'll be sure to use Fedex next time... :evil:
Shipped on the 10th :D
Arrived on the 20th - :evil:
Oh yeah, that special edition of the game I bought...
Nice looking packaging huh? :roll:
Nice and bent. Just like how I like it... Not!
This book currently resides beneath 3 dictionary's, 5 Harry Potter books, and 1 copy of The Lord of the Rings never returned to the library.
Soon this will be fixed. :|
Nice Aluminum front...
Paper background, now removed to reveal the contents of the packaging...
HELLO!!! :D :D :D
Nice and clean...
Bonus disc...
A nice little spoiler warning label...
Making of Blu-Ray DVD/Offical Soundtrack CD...
Captain Blurriness to the rescue!
So there you have it, $160 in games and $200 in travel fees and I'm a happy little camper...
Wait a second! I forgot this freebie I got while waiting in line for Metal Gear Solid 4...
The Love Guru T-Shirt!!!
Frequency code lost! Ending transmission...