Make good games again and you will see profits guys...
So sad that Square was one of my top 3 companies for almost 20 years, but since they released Dragon Warrior 7 and Final Fantasy 12 they have gone steadily downhill with their core properties. The ones they bough; Hitman, Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex are pretty good, but they are not "their" games. Until they decide to go back to the roots of tehir franchises they can just forget about it. Hard to think that a company in financial woes does not go and remake FF7 and just rack in the money
Oh yeah it the evil videogame that made me do it Mr Lee...not the acccess to an arsenal of automatic weapons that my rights as an american calim I can keep "for my protection" now go burn some more videogames fucktard and where the hell are EA and the companies?
What a bunch of bull.... thats like saying that you dont want to make song because all you have is an acustic guitar an until you have a full band it is not worth the effort. The problem today is that the tech is there, but the creativity is sorely lacking; the most clear exampe of this is the Call of Duty games; they started out as innovative games but after squeezing out a sequel every year and with most companies coming up with their own FPS gamers are begining to get saturated. The graphics still look good to me, but the games are bland, without imagination and simply not fun...I bought my PS3 3 years ago, I have less than a dozen games and mostly use it as multimedia center where I play movies and TV series, play a little NCAA and Demon Souls and go to my PC to play Skyrim....
sad to see on console games much as I love mario zelda ans snake, the song that reminds me the mos about a game hands down n The Ladder by Yes from the epilogue of fact gonna listen to it now
now this is a proper review, a good score for the mindles clickfest that this game is but good enough as not to soound as fawning as the score of the other place....
Asking if the genre has somehow passsed Diablo by is like asking if people are feed up on hamburgers and fries, it is basic and timeless. I personaly HATE Diablo and the clickfest RPGs, so it is the same to me, but I know that there is quite a captive audience for this sort of game. On and shame on Blizzard for their stupid DRM scheme; that online everywhere idea sounds just like that
Really seems like a weird deal, it is going to be set in the same Elder Scrolls and wil probably play up to the standard MMO ideas, which is exactly the kind of thing that most of all players that play TES games dont want...but it makes me feel a lot of relief taht is looks and sounds so different, if they had stuck a game like Skyrim with multiplayer then it could be dangrous for future TES games, but by having such a different thing we are probably safe
Oh nice, the kiddies actually think that Bioware gives a s**t about their opinions....instead of that bright idea of giving money to charity give it to some great modders who can change your ending guys and welcome to the relvolution
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