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Gamer Anymore?

There has been a major spike in gaming in the past 5 years, with all the new technology, ideas, and people working on these amazing new titles. With dozens of new games every year, there seems to be an amazing amount of games to play, but, no real gamers to play them.

What I mean by this exactly, is that, "gamers" are getting lazy. Hundreds of gamers now-a-day, use modifications, cheats, or "hacks" as some like to call them, to get a upper hand in the competition. Quite frankly, thats cheating, and cheaters never win. When people do this, it does nothing positive for the idustry, nothing positive for their skill in that particular game, and nothing good for others, since using one of these "hacks" usually makes the game lagg or, have connection issues.

The most cheated on type of game out today, is the MMORPG or any online multiplayer games. Games like EVE Online, World of Warcraft, and Star Wars: Galaxies, all have a great number of individuals playing then, generating millions of dollars each year, for their respective developers, and computer savy individuals who know their way around gaming language and code and such, can make programs to, well, cheat.

The cheating doesn't happen on consoles much anymore, but, one good example is Halo 2 for the Xbox. When it's online multiplayer via Xbox Live was announced, people were ecstatic. The game hand hundreds of thousand of people signing up for the Xbox Live service JUST to play Halo 2. About a year passed without any flukes or problems, despite a few hickups here and there, when people decided to make mods for the game itself. Things like, a rocket launcher shooting out entire vehicles to get around faster, sniper rifles shooting at insane rates, and tanks shooting out eighty-three shots at ounce, rather than one, just to name a few instances.

This sort of thing caused many people to quit playing Halo 2, and Xbox Live entirely. This resulted in an almost catastrophic failure for the Microsoft Xbox.

The point trying to be made with all of this is, what happened people? Whered all the Gamers go?